Writing a Compiler (Part 1): Project Setup

At the end of this blog we will have setup a basic git repository with the following:

We will be starting from scratch so you can follow along yourself, but the code is available here for reference.

Let's jump in!

In this blog (and all future blogs), I will be assuming that you are using Linux. If you are using Windows, you might be able to follow along, but some things might not work as expected. If you are using Windows, you can install WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), which will allow you to run most of these commands without any issues.

I also assume you have a basic understanding of git, or at the very least, a GitHub account, since we will be using GitHub Actions.

Basic Folder Scaffolding

Start off by creating a new folder, and initializing a new git repo:

$ mkdir write-a-compiler
$ cd write-a-compiler
$ git init

Now we can start creating the basic folder structure of the project. This what our folder structure will look like:

│ └─workflows
  │ ├─python
  │ └─llvm

These are what each of the folders will (eventually) be doing:

To create these folders, run the following:

$ mkdir -p .github/workflows test wac/{ast,codegen/python,codegen/llvm,parse,semantic}

The -p flag of mkdir will allow for the creation of nested folders without needing to create the parent folder first. The {} brackets will cause all the comma separated values to be expanded, with the values to the left/right of the brackets prepended/appended (if they exist) for each of the comma separated values. For example, a{a,b}c will be expanded to aac abc.

Adding a License

Before we start writing any code, we should license our software so people know whether they can modify our software or not, and if so, what sort of rules and limitations they need to abide by. The write-a-compiler codebase that this blog is based off of uses the GPLv3 license, and I would recommend that you use it for yours, just because the resulting codebases will look very similar, and re-licensing under a different license could be problematic.

To add the license, download the GPLv3 license from the GNU website, and pipe it to a file called LICENSE:

$ curl https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt > LICENSE

Adding the Dependencies

Creating the Virtual Environment

Before we do anything else, we need to install our Python packages. Before we do that though, we will need to setup a virtual environment. This will basically allow us to create a little bubble for our Python project, so that we don't have to install our packages globally. Globally installed packages are harder to work with in general, especially when it comes to versioning. We can setup a virtual environment with the following:

$ python3 -m virtualenv .venv

If python3 doesn't exist, you might need to use something like python3.9 instead.

Then, we need to activate the virtual environment:

$ source .venv/bin/activate

# your prompt will be updated to look something similar to below
(.venv) $

Note: you will need to reactivate the virtual environment every time you open a new terminal window. Exit a virtual environment without closing the terminal window by running deactivate.

Installing the Packages

Now we can actually install our packages!

$ pip3 install mypy black flake8 pytest pytest-cov isort

To make sure that we always get the same package versions every time someone clones our code from GitHub, we will "freeze" our packages. This will take a snapshot of all of our installed packages and their versions:

$ pip3 freeze > dev-requirements.txt

The little > symbol tells our shell to redirect the output of pip3 freeze into the file called dev-requirements.txt (try running just pip3 freeze and see what happens).

We will also create an empty requirements.txt file, which will store the dependencies for our actual production code, which doesn't exist yet:

$ touch requirements.txt

Configuring the Linters

These configurations are subject to change, and can be changed based on your personal preference, though I have found these to be pretty sane defaults. Basically just copy and paste these into their respective files:

Flake8 (file goes in .flake8):

exclude = .git,__pycache__,.venv

Mypy (file goes in .mypy.ini):


There are some files I didn't bother to fully setup yet, since there is no real code to run these programs against yet. This should be good enough for now.

Now we can run flake8 (for example), and flake8 will lint our code for us.

Make-ing Things Easier

We just added a bunch of programs, and they all do different things: Mypy checks types, Flake8/Black standardize the format our code, and so on. Having to run these commands manually will be a pain. And if there are parameters we need to pass to these programs from the command line, we won't want to have to type those out all by hand each time.

To make our lives easier, we can use Makefiles, which will allow us to run "recipes" when a "target" needs to be built. Here is the contents of our Makefile:

test: flake8 mypy black isort pytest


	mypy -p wac
	mypy -p test

	black wac test -l 79 --check --diff --color

	isort . --diff

	pytest test --cov --cov-report=html

Now we can simply type make test to run flake8, mypy, etc., or make pytest to run just pytest.

Adding CI

As we make changes to our codebase in the future, we will need to ensure that the quality of the code is as high as possible, and has as few bugs as possible. To do this, we use Continuous Integration (CI), which will make sure that all new code introduced into the codebase is high quality. Here is the workflow we will be using:


name: tests

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Pip install
        run: |
          pip install -r requirements.txt
          pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

      - name: Run flake8
        run: make flake8

      - name: Run mypy
        run: make mypy

      - name: Run black
        run: make black

      - name: Run isort
        run: make isort

      - name: Run pytest
        run: make pytest

The on field specifies a list of events which will trigger our workflow. In this case, whenever a PR (pull request) is made, or code is pushed to a branch (on GitHub), our workflow will run.

The jobs field specifies only one job, tests. tests will run on an Ubuntu docker container (as specified by the ubuntu-latest value of runs-on). Each step is a list of instructions to run. If any one step fails, the whole workflow fails, indicating of the code we tried to merge in did not pass one of our tests.

This actions.yml file could be named anything, since GitHub will check the .github/workflows folder for any .yml files, and run what it needs based on the contents of the file.

Making Git Happy

Ignoring Certain Files/Folders

There are a lot of files which we don't want to have in our git repository, such as the .venv folder and such. Here is what I have in my .gitignore file currently:


This should prevent us from accidentally committing junk files into our nice clean codebase!

Add Missing Folders

If we run git status, we won't see any of our folders, because git doesn't track folders, it tracks files. To get around this, we need to add placeholder files in the directories we want to keep:

$ touch wac/{ast,codegen/python,codegen/llvm,parse,semantic}/__init__.py

This will put a filename called __init__.py into each of these folders that we care about.

Add "pre-commit" File

A pre-commit file is a file which will be ran before each commit is made. This is somewhat like our CI workflow, but it is meant for our local development environment instead. If the pre-commit fails, the commit will be aborted.

For security purposes, the pre-commit file is not ran by default: we need to add it to a special folder before git will run it. The folder in question is .git/hooks. If we take a look inside it:

$ ls -1 .git/hooks

You can see we have a bunch of .sample files, which are just placeholders. We need to make a pre-commit file to our local folder, and then symlink it to a file called .git/hooks/pre-commit.

A symlink is a file which is "linked" or "references" another file.

We will create a basic pre-commit file, and symlink it to our hooks folder:



make test

The #!/bin/sh line is a shebang. It tells the shell which program it should use to run our script. In this case, we are telling it to use /bin/sh.

We can now symlink it with:

$ ln -sf $PWD/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit

Now whenever we want to make a commit, our pre-commit file will run, and if we update our pre-commit file, we won't need to copy/re-symlink it again!

If we want to run our pre-commit file directly, we need to make the file executable:

$ chmod +x pre-commit

chmod (aka "change mode") allows us to change the file attributes of a file. +x will add the executable flag to our pre-commit file. Now we can just run our pre commit file using ./pre-commit.

Adding a Test

Now that we have the basic folder structure setup, we can start writing a test to make sure we have all of our dependencies setup correctly. We can add the following to test/test_placeholder.py:

def test_something():

Now if we run make pytest, we should see something like this:

pytest test --cov --cov-report=html
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.2, pytest-7.1.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/loot/git/write-a-compiler
plugins: cov-3.0.0
collected 1 item

test/test_placeholder.py .                                               [100%]

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.10.2-final-0 -----------
Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov

============================== 1 passed in 0.03s ===============================

Our single test_something test passes! As we continue writing our compiler, we will add more meaningful tests that make sure everything is working as expected.


A README file is for users and developers to get an overview of a project. You can copy the version used in the reference repo here.


We are done! Now all we need to do is push it up to our git repository:

$ git remote add origin git@github.com:USERNAME/REPONAME
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git push origin master

Note: if you use the git@github.com syntax (aka SSH syntax), you will need to setup an SSH key with your GitHub account. You can see how to do that here. Alternatively, you can use https://github.com/USER/REPO, and put in your username+password there.

What's Next

Now that we have everything setup, we can start working on the actual compiler! More specifically, we will be working on the tokenizer, the first stage of any compiler frontend.

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