Writing a Compiler: Before You Start

Note: I assume that you have a basic understanding of programming languages, how they work, and how to do all of the basics (functions, control flow, building/running programs, etc). It doesn't matter which language, just so long as you have a basic grasp.

There are a lot of reasons why you might want to write your own compiler:

All of these are good goals and aspirations. A few things to keep in mind though:

Writing a compiler is very rewarding, and can be very fun. Just know that, like with any project, knowing what it is that you are getting yourself into is very important, and makes sure you don't loose sight of the end goal.

If you decide to make your own programming language, understand that not only are you writing a compiler, but you are also designing a language: You need to figure out the syntax, the structure, how it is all going to "fit together".

What is a Compiler?

Basically, a compiler is something that takes in data (code, files, user input, etc), manipulates it, and spits out some sort of result (binary/executable, an image, code, etc). All compilers are written differently, as they do different things, have different requirements and goals, and are built by different people.

Compilers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Here are some examples:

GCC/Clang: These are very big compilers, capable of compiling many different programming languages, primarily C and C++. They are very mature, and do a lot of the heavy lifting for you in terms of platform and hardware support, optimizations, and performance.

esbuild: Esbuild is "an extremely fast JavaScript bundler", as stated on their website. Basically, it takes in JavaScript, and spits out JavaScript. This is an example of a source-to-source compiler, since it takes in, and spits out source code.

My blog site: All of my blogs are written in markdown, and converted to HTML, which allows for easily writing blogs without the hassle of writing the HTML myself (or having to change a bunch of HTML when I want to have a different layout).

With all that being said, most compilers are split up into different chunks, which we will see below.

Parts of a Compiler

The Front End

This is the part of the compiler that you will interact with most often. It is responsible for taking in the code you give it, parsing it, and sending it off to the next stages of the compiler. To make things easier, the data from the file is parsed into a tree-like structure called an AST (abstract syntax tree). Most compiler front ends do these steps:

The Middle End

This is where the AST is checked for symantic errors, type checking is done, and optionally, optimization(s) are performed. This is where the "juicy" parts of most compilers live. The job of the middle end is to make sure that the parsed code is valid, and to make sure that the optimizations are done such that the backend don't have to worry about it.

The Back End

After the AST has been checked, the backend will start to generate the executable (or code). There are many techniques that a backend can use to generate these files, which we won't get into right now. Some might compilers only have one backend, while others might support many different backends. This all depends on the wants and needs of the language designer.

The Next Steps

At the end of this series, we will have created a simple programming language in Python, which supports 2 backends: a Python backend, and an LLVM backend, which allows for building executables, and JIT compilation of our code.
