Writing a Compiler (Part 5): Defining AST Nodes

This is where things start to get juicy, where we actually start to define the structure of our programming language in term of code!

Since there is a lot of code to cover, it would be best to reference the source and test files as you read along.

Let's begin!

Before We Begin ...

I briefly mentioned dataclasses in part 2 of this series, but I think it would be best to go into more depth with it before we dive deeper. With dataclasses, we can define very concise, very rich classes, primarily using types. What does this look like in practice?

class Person:
    name: str

class Baker(Person):
    profession: str = "baker"

class Plumber(Person):
    profession: str = "plumber"

alice = Person(name="alice")
assert isinstance(alice, Person)

bob = Baker(name="bob")
assert isinstance(bob, Person)
assert isinstance(bob, Baker)

charlie = Plumber(name="charlie")
assert isinstance(charlie, Person)
assert isinstance(charlie, Plumber)

As you can see, we can create very nice, strongly typed class heiarchies very quickly. This is super important when we actually start to define our AST nodes.

It is really nice that we don't have to make our own boilerplate __init__ method, though we run into trouble when we want to customize __init__. Luckily there is a way to change this, and that is with the field method:

class Person:
    name: str
    is_person: bool = field(True, init=False)

alice = Person(name="alice")

bob = Person(name="bob", is_person=False)  # error

In this example, we get an error when we try to pass is_person, since init=False will remove it from the __init__ method.

With that out of the way, I think we can jump into:

The AST Nodes

The Base Nodes

These are the root/base nodes, the core of our AST tree:

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Tuple

class Node:

class ExprType:

The first part is just our imports, nothing too special here. The Node and ExprType classes are empty base nodes which we will extend off of later.

The Types

One of the most important parts of our AST is the ability to represent complex types. We could of course use type to represent our types, though type is very lax, allowing us to store pretty much anything in it. Instead, we do something like this:

class SingleExprType(ExprType):
    type: type

class TupleExprType(ExprType):
    type: Tuple[ExprType, ...]

These SingleExprType and TupleExprType classes extend off of ExprType, and basically give us wrappers around the built-in Python types.

The Basic Expressions

Expressions are usually the denses part of an AST. Everything from literals (123, true, etc), function calls, binary expressions, and so on. These next few are terminal expressions, meaning they are a single value, usually a single token.

class Expr(Node):
    rtype: ExprType = field(init=False)

This is the root node for our expressions (numbers, results of equations, function call results, etc). We use init=False because we won't be setting this in our __init__ methods, but in the body of the classes which extend off of this one.

rtype represents the "return type" or "resulting type" when this expression is evaluated.

class IntExpr(Expr):
    rtype = SingleExprType(int)
    value: int

class BoolExpr(Expr):
    rtype = SingleExprType(bool)
    value: bool

class FloatExpr(Expr):
    rtype = SingleExprType(float)
    value: float

class StrExpr(Expr):
    value: str
    rtype = SingleExprType(str)

These next few nodes just represent common expression nodes which we will probably use all the time, such as our ints and bools. They have an rtype which represents the type of the expression, and a value. Since these are literal expressions (ie, 1, "hello world", etc), we know the value ahead of time, and can store it directly.

class IdentifierExpr(Expr):
    rtype: ExprType = field(init=True)
    name: str

Now we get to the identifier, which is something like x or y. Note that we now use init=True, which means we have to define the rtype when we construct an IdentifierExpr. We also have a name which is pretty self-explanitory.

class TupleExpr(Expr):
    rtype: TupleExprType = field(init=True)
    values: Tuple[Expr, ...]

    def of(cls, *args: Expr) -> TupleExpr:
        return cls(
            TupleExprType(tuple(expr.rtype for expr in args)),

The TupleExpr is a bit more complex, only because we have this special of helper method. A tuple is an immutable container of zero or more expressions, such as (1, 2, 3), (1,), or just (). To see why we need this of method, let's see what it would look like to create a TupleExpr with and without the of method:

Without of:

value1 = IntExpr(123)
value2 = FloatExpr(3.14)
t = TupleExpr(
    rtype=TupleExprType(value1.rtype, value2.rtype),
    values=(value1, value2)

With of:

value1 = IntExpr(123)
value2 = FloatExpr(3.14)
t = TupleExpr.of(value1, value2)

Isn't that nice? Basically, since we know the rtype of value1 and value2, we can pull those out and use them to create our new TupleExpr.

The Complex Expressions

These are going to be our binary expressions (ie, 1 + 2), and unary expressions (ie, not true). They require a little bit more setup:

class BinaryExprOper(Enum):
    ADD = auto()
    SUBTRACT = auto()
    MULTIPLY = auto()
    DIVIDE = auto()
    POWER = auto()
    EQUALS = auto()
    LESS_THEN = auto()
    LESS_THEN_EQ = auto()
    GREATER_THEN = auto()
    GREATER_THEN_EQ = auto()

    def is_bool_like(self) -> bool:
        oper = type(self)

        return self in (

BinaryExprOper is an enum which contains all of the binary operators we support. There is also a is_bool_like method which tells us whether an operator results in a boolean or not. To see why this is important, lets take a look at an example:

# What should the resulting type of this expression be?
1 + 2

# And this?
1.0 + 2.0

# What about this?
1 < 2

Answer: int, float, and bool. Notice the < operator always results in a bool, but the result of the + operator depends on the types of the expressions to the left-hand and right-hand side of the +.

class BinaryExpr(Expr):
    rtype: ExprType = field(init=True)
    lhs: Expr
    oper: BinaryExprOper
    rhs: Expr

    def of(cls, lhs: Expr, oper: BinaryExprOper, rhs: Expr) -> BinaryExpr:
        type = SingleExprType(bool) if oper.is_bool_like() else lhs.rtype

        return cls(type, lhs, oper, rhs)

This is the expr class that corresponds to the BinaryExprOper. We have an rtype (user defined), a left-hand side (lhs), an oper, and a right-hand side (rhs).

Again, we have an of method to allow us to pass 2 expressions, an operator, and get back a nice BinaryExpr:

BinaryExpr.of(IntExpr(1), BinaryExprOper.ADD, IntExpr(2))

Since we pass in a non-bool operator, ADD, the resulting type is SingleExprType(int).

class UnaryExprOper(Enum):
    NEGATIVE = auto()
    NOT = auto()

    def is_bool_like(self) -> bool:
        return self is type(self).NOT

class UnaryExpr(Expr):
    rtype: ExprType = field(init=True)
    oper: UnaryExprOper
    rhs: Expr

    def of(cls, oper: UnaryExprOper, rhs: Expr) -> UnaryExpr:
        type = SingleExprType(bool) if oper.is_bool_like() else rhs.rtype

        return cls(type, oper, rhs)

The unary expressions are pretty much the same as the binary ones, except that there are a lot less unary operators we have to account for.

The Statements

In most programming languages, statements are constructs which don't return a value, such as a function declaration, or an if statement. In F# though, most things are an expression, including if statements. To make things easier, we will create statements to represent these constructs, but still treat them as if they are expressions:

class Stmt:

class VarDefStmtExpr(Stmt, Expr):
    name: str
    expr: Expr

class ModuleDefStmtExpr(Stmt, Expr):
    name: str
    stmts: Tuple[Stmt, ...]

As you can see, VarDefStmtExpr and ModuleDefStmtExpr are both statements and expressions.

A variable definition is basically a name attached to an expression, so that is how we represent it. A module is basically a name, and a bunch of statements, like so:

module m =
  let name = "bob"

  let b = 2

Console.WriteLine m.name

// prints "bob"

Testing It All

Of course we wouldn't forget to write our tests, would we? I won't go over all the tests here, but I urge you to look at them here for examples of how the classes we defined are supposed to be used.


That's it! We will almost certainly be changing this over time, adding more, changing what doesn't work, etc. This will work well for now though.

The next step is going to be mapping our token stream into AST nodes!
